VCDS Wastegate Voltage Setting and Adaptation

Wastegate First Adaptation of Charge Pressure Actuator – P2563

Setting Turbocharger Wastegate Voltage As part of the installation of the Shuenk OEM+ IS38 turbocharger (install checklist here) on my Mk7 GTI setting the wastegate actuator to the proper voltage was needed. That I needed to set the wastegate became apparent when an EPC light illuminated and the “Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit – […]

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S&B Intake Commute Temperature Summary

S&B Intake Temperature Summary

Compiling the results of driving with the S&B Intake on my Mk7 GTI, the average temperature delta above ambient for the last five minutes of the drives is shown on the chart below. The closed design of the S&B intake contributed to a lower average air temperature going into the turbocharger as compared to the

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Turbo Outlet Temperature

034 Motorsports turbo muffler delete was installed on my GTI so that I could add a temperature sensor post turbocharger. Reading the temperature of the air as it exits the turbocharger is the point of having this sensor installed. A drive was made that included a short third gear (DSG) acceleration from 30-60 mph with

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