Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer

A preparatory step for the Stratified ECU tuning project is the installation of a Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer that will allow the ethanol content of the fuel supply to be monitored, and recorded, continuously.

Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer
Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer

The Fuel-It! combines an ethanol sensor with an analyzer/data transmitter that provides ethanol content through a Bluetooth connection and a 0-5v output that is fed into the Dataq datalogger.

Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer and Ethanol Sensor
Fuel-It! Ethanol Sensor

The Fuel-It! replaces some of the low pressure fuel line.

Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer Fuel Supply Line
Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer Fuel Supply Line
Fuel-It! App Display

Fuel-It! App Display

2 thoughts on “Fuel-It! Ethanol Content Analyzer”

  1. Would you suggest this over other Ethanol sensors / gauges? I haven’t been able to choose.

    1. I can’t speak to other sensors and how they compare.
      The Fuel-It was straight forward to install, a couple questions I had were answered quickly by their customer service, and it has been working as expected.

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