Shuenk IS38+ Turbocharger

Shuenk IS38+ 2 years in service

July 2021 marks two years that the Shuenk IS38+ has been installed on my GTI. I was changing out the stock DV for the Forge BOV as part of some ongoing testing of bypass valves and took a moment to check on the IS38+.

I’m not an expert on assessing how well a turbocharger is wearing, but having used a few turbochargers over the years on different cars this turbo appears to be holding up well, no unusual lateral or axial play in the bearings and the compressor blades look good.

Shuenk IS38+
Shuenk IS38+

Although the IS38+ has been problem-free for the two years I have operated it, I’m considering swapping to another turbocharger to support experiments that I have wanted to conduct that would be better suited to a larger, and smaller, turbo.

3 thoughts on “Shuenk IS38+ 2 years in service”

  1. Which turbo are you considering for the next step? Hybrid? I’d be curious to find out what the TPC20 would give.

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