For a while I’ve had an oil pressure gauge installed in my GTI.

Recently I got around to hooking the pressure sender into a data logger so I could correlate the oil pressure level with other data being logged with a Cobb AP.

I assumed the pressure sender uses a 0-5 volt signal, but I need to try and confirm that to be the case.
By noting the minimum and maximum gauge pressures that I observed while driving I was able to approximate the gauge readings on the charts below.
The data was originally logged as voltage and then converted to psi based on the assumption that 0-5v represents 0-100 psi.
The pressures values on the charts are likely off by a few psi, but the intent is to show the variation in oil pressure with different driving conditions.
Since the data is being logged by two separate devices the correlation of the time axis can be slightly off. It should be correct within 1-2 seconds.

Very interesting and useful! It would be nice to know the true psi range. If you have a way to generate a calibrated input pressure (x) and measure output voltage (y), you can plot a calibration plot a check gauge sensor linearity.
I contacted Newsouth Performance and they provided me with a table of the output voltage versus psi. It is linear, but not the voltage range I was assuming, so I’ll need to try the new range. They also suggested as you have, attaching the sensor to a pressure source and measuring the output voltage.
Could you share a few picts of where and how you installed the oil pressure sensor?
Wld be interesting information to share, for me, at least. Thanks.
I didn’t take any during the installation. This shows where the sensor is at.