While installing the Neuspeed FMIC as part of a bicooler setup, I decided to modify the cold side coupler hose to accommodate a temperature probe.

Several months ago I purchased this nifty coupler from Fuel-It! to be able to add a temperature and/or pressure probe at the outlet of the FMIC connector hose. It has ports on both sides of the coupler.

The temperature probe will help with evaluating how much the FMIC contributes to the overall cooling through the intercooler pair.

For this setup, the Neuspeed FMIC is being paired with an AMS stock location IC.

This is a pair of very dense intercoolers. Fin spacing on the AMS is the tightest of all the intercoolers I have had in my possession and the Neuspeed FMIC has the tightest fin spacing of the various front mount intercoolers that I’ve had.
Both intercoolers are on the lower end of the flow ratings, logically given the high fin density, but higher fin density should contribute to better cooling.
An initial checkout with the new bicooler setup and temperature probe showed the temperature out of the FMIC barely budges during a series of pulls.

Something VERY important to be aware of in these results is that the bicooler is being operated with a “STOCK TUNE“. This is not much boost pressure. A comparison of the compressor outlet air temperature with an IS38+ boosting at “full boil” is shown below.

Clearly there is much more heat to be thrown at this combination.
Incredible numbers! What’s the total volume with this bicooler set up? Gonna keep this set up permanently with the new turbo?
Again, stock tune. That is very low boost pressure for my checkout to see if all of the hose clamps (14) were secure.