I’ve been taking the Iceberg approach to the decision making process, lots of thought going on out of sight and a few ramblings here on the blog, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a blog about the MK7 Golf.
At some point I’ll get my thoughts together and explain the logic process I’ve been following that have brought me to where I am at, which is a point still set on obtaining a MK7 Golf, but undecided as to the model year, and whether a GTI or R is better suited to my needs.

Clearly a couple of test drives are in order to help sort some of the decisions out. I’ve also been looking into the various modifications that are commonly done with the car. Timing, as in when to make the purchase is something else I have been trying to consider, especially since I’ve already got a pair of vehicles that could serve as the subject for continued modification.
So far I have settled on:
Car make: VW Golf MK7
Still up for decision:
- Model: GTI vs R
- Transmission: DSG vs 6-speed Manual
- Vehicle state: Stock vs Modified
- Model Year: 2015 vs 2016 vs 2017