Stratified Automotive Controls has continued to make revisions to their DQ250 DSG TCU tune that I am using with my Mk7 GTI. Changes from the v4 tune are again moving the tune toward the goal transmission response.
Progress with v5 includes the following:
- Coasting downshift is now at target values for all but one gear.
- First to second upshift is aligned with target response in the low-mid accelerator pedal input range.
- Second to third upshift is now at the target values for all but the lowest pedal input range.
- Third to fourth upshift is at target values other than at the lowest pedal input range.
- Fourth to fifth upshift is more consistent about the target values in the low-mid pedal input range.
- Fifth to sixth upshift is shifted upward in the desired direction for low-mid pedal inputs.
The v5 revision has continued to move in the desired direction with several areas of the tune meeting goal response and no regressions noted.