With a look toward trying out a turbocharger blanket soon I’ve been updating the arrangement of sensors in the engine compartment.

The goal is to be able to record the underhood conditions under various operating conditions to see how they relate. With some baseline results without using the turbo blanket the blanket will then be installed and “after” measurements will be made.
A test drive to check the sensor functionality, as well as to gather boost onset data, was recorded and shown in the chart.

This initial drive has already brought up an area of interest. Around time 850 the “Over Turbo” temperature (OVR_T) shown by the black line drops significantly although there is no recorded accompanying change to the operating conditions. This temperature over the turbo drops 30 degF in a period of time that is about 20 seconds long. Possibly a cooling fan turned on.
All sensors are recording properly for a good check out.
Looking forward for this series!!