AC Condenser Temps – Part 2


In a previous post, I discussed installing a temperature probe in the AC condenser and logging the temperature while driving.

In this post, some additional temperature data recorded at the same location in the AC condenser is presented.

Data Collection:

The GTI is driven in town on errands with the air conditioner off for a couple of minutes including a stop to refuel. After resuming driving the air conditioner is turned on for most of the remainder of the drive.

AC Condenser temperature trend
AC Condenser Temperature

This chart shows IAT in addition to the previously recorded variables. It is likely that the IAT reading is inaccurate so it is shown to get indications of broader trends with the IAT.

As before, as soon as the air conditioner is turned on the temperature reading increases quickly.

Just after time 1400 the air conditioner is shut off and the temperature drops quickly.

At approximately time 1500 the air conditioner is turned back on, and the temperature reading at the AC condenser quickly increases again.


The temperature measured for one location in the AC condenser shows a strong dependence on the state of operation of the air conditioning system.

Changing the operating state of the air conditioner results in a rapid change in the temperature measured at the location chosen for the temperature probe.
