Mk7 GTI Stock Airbox Final Commute Temperatures
Commute temperatures using the stock GTI airbox are compiled and shown with other air intake options.
Mk7 GTI Stock Airbox Final Commute Temperatures Read More »
Commute temperatures using the stock GTI airbox are compiled and shown with other air intake options.
Mk7 GTI Stock Airbox Final Commute Temperatures Read More »
The previously posted vacuum data collected during a series of third gear pulls also allowed for the recording of the intercooler outlet temperature. Ambient air temperature was substantially different between the sessions, but my purpose for looking at this data is to try and determine if the IC outlet temperature drops more rapidly with the
A second test for the Mk7 GTI air scoop focuses on evaluating the affect of the part on airflow to the turbocharger. The first test looked at air temperature exiting the airbox. Airflow into the turbocharger compressor is produced by having a vacuum at the entrance to the compressor. If air encounters less restriction en-route
Air Scoop Airflow Test Read More »