Eurodyne DSG TCU First-Second Transition

Eurodyne DSG TCU Tune Part 2

Further data to characterize the Eurodyne DSG TCU tune that I have used with my Mk7 GTI. The main takeaway is that for the most part this TCU tune is not very responsive to driver input at part throttle, the exception being the first to second gear shift. Previously recorded data is shown below:

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Mk7 GTI AM Commute Temps with Air Conditioner Turned On

Air Conditioned Commute Temperatures

Continuing to record post-intercooler temperatures this time comparing how the Air Conditioner affects the temperature of the air exiting the Intercooler. The morning commute starts with the Air Conditioner off and then around time 800 it is switched on for the remainder of the drive.  Intercooler outlet temperature, intake air temperature inside the intake manifold,

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Mk7 GTI Throttle Charge Pipe Temperature Sensor

Mk7 GTI Intercooler Outlet Temperature

The temperature sensor that has been used to record the pre-turbocharger intake air temperature was relocated into the throttle charge pipe.  This is the hard pipe that is between the intercooler outlet and throttle body.  This particular charge pipe has a built-in water/methanol injection port that provides a good means for measuring the intercooler outlet

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