Investigating Fact or Fiction

Understanding EQT

Introduction: The marketplace for aftermarket automotive parts is replete with examples of exaggerated claims and scant evidence in support of “performance” parts advertising. Generally flying under the radar of Federal and State consumer protection agencies, questionable advertising claims are not uncommon. EQT caught my attention when it claimed to have one of the best-performing products […]

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ARM Motorsports Competition FMIC Core Depth

ARM Competition FMIC Flow Test

Background: Lately, I’ve been operating my GTI using a borrowed ARM FMIC to fact-check claims about using it with a hybrid turbocharger. In addition to loaning the FMIC, ARM Motorsports also lent me their bicooler hoses to get comparison data.   While this data collection is ongoing, ARM has released another intercooler product, the ARM

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APR PEX M720 Adapter Flow Test

3″ TIP and M720 Adapter Flow Testing

Background: Recent data gathering with the Mabotech M520 turbocharger has shown that the stock airbox can be easily modified to operate at 500 WHP and perform similarly to popular aftermarket intakes. (Blaze ATOM vs. Modified Stock Street Comparison). It is evident that even with a hybrid turbocharger that has a compressor inlet diameter of 60

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