My GTI is a non-performance package model that a few months ago had swapped out the stock front calipers for the TTRS setup with Vagbremtechnic adapters.
A low cost set of rear performance package calipers and rotors along with stainless steel brake lines showed up in the classifieds and I decided to take the opportunity and swap them onto my GTI.

Another great how to video by Deutsche Auto Parts shows how this is done. Without any major obstacles to the job I got started.
As with my front rotors the rears were putting up a fight to come off. I had success using one of the new rotors to bang edgewise into the existing rotor to break it free from the hub.

With the rotor off I needed to bend the dust shield at the edge to clear the larger PP rotor. I also took a Dremel with polishing wheel to the hub center to clean the corrosion off in hopes that a future rotor swap will go easier.
Side number two will be tackled tomorrow.