Equilibrium Tuning Inc. (EQT) supplies aftermarket products to consumers with the Mk7 GTI and Golf R. In a series of previous posts, I’ve discussed conduct by Equilibrium Tuning owner Ed Susman involving deceptive advertising, paying customers for reviews, making false statements to consumers, and defamation.
Interacting with vendors and assessing how well their products meet requirements and specifications is routine to my work as a test engineer. Professionally I work with businesses such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and others.

Owning a Mk7 GTI, and with a hobby of modifying my Mk7 GTI, I interact as a consumer with smaller businesses like APR, 034 Motorsports, Integrated Engineering, etc., and Equilibrium Tuning – while maintaining the perspective of a professional test and evaluation engineer.
EQT owner Ed Susman has exhibited the poorest professional conduct I have encountered from any businessperson.

In this post, I look at evidence that helps to explain the lack of professionalism and ethics exhibited by Ed Susman.
The source material for Ed Susman’s comments is at the page’s bottom.
A concise description of professionalism is:
Professionalism is commonly understood as an individual’s adherence to a set of standards, code of conduct or collection of qualities that characterize accepted practice within a particular area of activity.
Universities UK et al. 2004
The context of these comments is that EQT owner Ed Susman started a Social Media post on Facebook to complain about a customer of EQT’s.
Ed Susman’s comments to consumers during the discussion give insight into his values, beliefs, and ethics:

The key points I take from these statements by Ed Susman are:
1) The owner believes a need to adhere to professional standards applies to larger businesses than his.
2) The owner does not feel a need to adhere to professional standards.
3) The owner believes being viewed as unprofessional is acceptable if he achieves his business goals.
When interpreting a person’s actions, it is helpful to understand their values and beliefs.
When I contacted Equilibrium Tuning with questions about the claims they make for a product, and they didn’t respond, I wasn’t sure what to think.
Later, Ed Susman made this statement:

With insight into the standards Ed Susman has for himself, this response was not out of character.
I can afford the luxury of possibly coming off unprofessional… while achieveing my goal…
Edward Susman – Owner of Equilibrium Tuning INC
More examples of the willingness to be unprofessional were evident in other comments:

Libelous comments began to make sense in context with Ed Susman’s view of professionalism:

… I don’t feel the need to adhere to strict professionalism standards…
Edward Susman – Owner of Equilibrium Tuning INC
Statements made by Equilibrium Tuning INC owner Ed Susman give insight into the business owner’s values, beliefs, and ethics and help with understanding the unprofessional comments and actions of the owner, as well as giving insight into the business culture at Equilibrium Tuning INC.
One begins to consider what might result if a business owner is selective about applying professionalism standards. If they are willing to conduct themselves in an unprofessional manner in pursuit of their business goals, any “success” their business achieves is tainted.
EQT Full statement:
Initial Post

Response to consumer criticism:

Based on some of the things he has posted on social media recently that I have seen(blasting other companies on their pages or during their product launches as an example) its very clear professional isnt something he understands. Sure his tunes may be good(subjective) but based on character I wont purchase anything from him nor recommend EQT. Makes you wonder how he is in person outside of his business.
The larger issue to me is actions that fall within the unfair competition laws which hurts both consumers and honest businesses.