Yesterday a post was published adding the Integrated Engineering Stage 2 ECU tune to a series of comparisons that I’ve made of Stage 2 ECU tunes.
It didn’t take long after the post was made on social media for Ed Susman from Equilibrium Tuning to show up and make a deceptive statement.
Tune purchase:
In November of 2023, I ordered the EQT Staged tune (Left Image) to use as part of the Cobb Stage 2 tune comparison. The following day I received notification from EQT that the sale had been cancelled (Right Image).
Now that I was making a post with a summary of the data collected Ed Susman showed up and stated:
Also highly doubt he was testing the current release version of our tunes.
Ed Susman – Owner of Equilibrium Tuning Inc.

Seeing as how Ed had canceled my order for the tune, he wasn’t saying anything he didn’t likely already know.
In an alternate reality, “Transparent” Ed Susman might have been more transparent and said:
Also highly doubt he was testing the current release version of our tunes since I cancelled his tune order.
“Transparent” Ed Susman – Owner of Equilibrium Tuning Inc. in an Alternate Reality
Tune revision:
On top of that deception, there is also the fact that having the “latest tune” would not have mattered at all for the comparison presented.
The tune comparison measures and variables are:
- Estimated WHP
- Dragy/Racebox acceleration times
- Boost
- Timing
Here is what EQT’s change log says their latest tune incorporates:

Burbles revised – Don’t care, evaluating burbles wasn’t part of the comparison.
DV tuning to prevent hanging at part throttle – Don’t care, part throttle wasn’t part of the comparison.
High elevation boost profile – Don’t care, as stated in the test plan testing was taking place near Orlando Florida (roughly sea level).
Launch control settings changed – Don’t care, launch control wasn’t part of the comparison.
Misc cleanup – Don’t know what this means. Doubtful it is relevant.
Back over in the alternate reality, “Transparent” Ed Susman might have been transparent and said:
Also highly doubt he was testing the current release version of our tunes, though that wouldn’t matter since nothing that was changed was being tested.
“Transparent” Ed Susman – Owner of Equilibrium Tuning Inc. in an Alternate Reality
Ed’s comment is irrelevant to the content presented for multiple reasons, yet he made it anyway.
Admittedly, having a business owner comment on an ECU tune comparison and saying it wasn’t done with the latest version might seem like there is a significant issue. Of course, that is what a bullshitter would be trying to do, mislead readers by trying to cast doubt when what they’re saying is meaningless.

Several possible reasons for Ed Susman’s bullshitting are:
- Lack of Integrity – Some individuals may lack integrity or ethical principles, choosing to prioritize their gain or agenda over honesty and accountability.
- Protecting Self-Image – Bullshitting allows individuals to maintain a facade of competence or infallibility.
- Avoiding Consequences – Bullshitting can be a strategy to avoid the negative consequences that come with admitting fault or taking responsibility.
For more on Ed Susman’s bullshitting and unethical activity see the references:
- Equilibrium Tuning unsubstantiated claims about product performance
- Equilibrium Tuning misleading claims for independent product testing
- Ed Susman’s false statements about the flow bench that I use
- Ed Susman’s false statements about my consideration of data
- Ed Susman’s false statements about the testing I’ve done being flawed
- Ed Susman’s false statements about the testing that I perform being limited
- Ed Susman’s false statements about me being a hack
- Ed Susman’s false statements about questions I emailed to the business containing “demands”
- Ed Susman’s false statements to another consumer who commented on my review
- Ed Susman’s statements about professionalism being optional
- Ed Susman’s false statements to a performance shop employee who questioned Ed’s claims
- Ed Susman makes threats to suppress a consumer review
- Ed Susman bullshits a consumer on social media
- Equilibrium Tuning unsubstantiated claim about tune reliability being OEM-like.
- Ed Susman’s false statements to consumers about a tune reliability post.
The fact that you think that there is any way to have a “boxed” tune for any car or combination in the first place is absurd. So the entire premise of this particular argument is invalid in the first place. I tune cars every day, we build cars every day, no two cars with even the same combo will take exactly the same tune, you’re only “ballparking” it when you do that. Rather than looking for the easy, cheap answer for a tune by expecting a boxed tune to be spot on, maybe pay the money to have an actual tune done for your particular car. Or learn to tune it yourself and make the investment in a dyno and all the other associated necessities so you can, then you won’t have to insult someone who has made those investments in time, sweat, and money, you can then just berate yourself.
Hey Anonymous,
It seems you may be misunderstanding the topic of the post.
“The fact that you think that there is any way to have a “boxed” tune for any car or combination in the first place is absurd.”
Response – The fact that multiple tuners are selling “OTS/boxed” tunes disproves the claim that it isn’t possible.
“So the entire premise of this particular argument is invalid in the first place.”
The basis for your conclusion was shown to be false, therefore your conclusion, is unsupported.
”I tune cars every day, we build cars every day, no two cars with even the same combo will take exactly the same tune, you’re only “ballparking” it when you do that.”
Again, these tunes exist. Because they exist, and people purchase them, I chose to compare them. Your point is not germane to the topic of this post.
Rather than looking for the easy, cheap answer for a tune by expecting a boxed tune to be spot on, maybe pay the money to have an actual tune done for your particular car.
I’ve not stated an expectation of these tunes being spot on. In the test plan I explained I was not using a custom tune for the comparison since it would only apply to my car. I have paid for custom tunes, see the posts about the stock fuel dyno and E30 dyno sessions for two examples.
Or learn to tune it yourself and make the investment in a dyno and all the other associated necessities so you can,
You’re straying far off the point of the post.
”then you won’t have to insult someone who has made those investments in time, sweat, and money, you can then just berate yourself.”
Reviewing the statements that someone has made, in this example Ed Susman, is not insulting them.
As I started with, you seem to have misunderstood the post. Did you read it?